Happy Birthday to ME (:

Hi, strangers! I was so occupied with work I didn't have time to write my blog. And it's the only thing that calms me down when I'm overstressed what I definitely am. I hope you've been doing well. 

For the past (almost) two weeks I had too busy days. All day working and in the evening hanging in a bar Black Sheep. Evenings were perfect but mornings - not so good.
Guests from all over the Europe and many Slovenians were the right entertainment after long days of work.

A week ago I had my 27th Birthday and we had the best party ever! Guys from Germany made it even better if you know what I mean. They brought me a cake and sang me a special birthday song just when I decided to make one of the Instructors I have a crush on very jealous. I was more than successful kissing the best looking german boy and my Instructor took me for a dinner just the day after. Well done Elene! ;)
About the party, I don't even remember what was eventually going on. I was dancing, receiving wishes and kissing with everyone. I was a party to remember. 

The next day when I was so hungovered I threw up in one of the guest rooms and had to clean the toilet like crazy I decided to make a list (making lists is one of my favourite things to write). So here is the list to stick with it: 

1. Work hard (to afford parties, good wine and the best burgers in town). On the other side don't work too hard, tourists are never really satisfied with anything and the salary is not too good anyway. 

2. Every day is a new adventure ( every day you can meet someone new (; ). Hello, new tourists!
But did you know that some of the instructors true the season change their "type"? You can be very surprised how someone becomes a playboy out of a serious guy. It's never the opposite, unfortunately, or fortunately, if you want to get someone who is already in a relationship but his girlfriend is not here with him. Too bad :(

3. Take pride in myself (become more self-confident in front of the people who don't treat you well).

4. Get out and about and make some new friends ( but please not every day but try to do it every second day, maybe third). 

5.Spend time with my true friends (with Zsofia and not with Playboys or people who only gossip behind my back). It0s difficult to realise who your true friend is. Infront of you, everyone is so kind but as soon you turn them your back they start to talk bad things about you. I hate people like this. Tell it to my face and we can discuss. 

6. Improve my blog (try to write more and more interesting things). But I already know that you like it a lot! (;

7. Positive thinking (don't care about stupid guys and girls). Sometimes I'm so depressed because some guy treats me wrong and ignores me. It's not worth to be sad because of some stupid ego guy. 

8. Be kind to myself (as I wrote before don't tease myself to prove myself in front of others. I'm good enough if you don't like me it's not my problem).

9. Mind Set or Focused ( remind myself why I am here for). Try to figure out what I want to really do in my life. Not just have fun in the night time and live for it. 

10. Never Stop Learning ( don't forget that)! Try some new activity, cook some different food, go somewhere you have never been before.

So happy birthday to me! 



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