How to end up working in Bovec

So, hi again. Still in the same place. I've been here since one month ago. Too many things happened and I don't know where to start.

At the beginning of this post, I can tell you more about my job over here in Bovec. I am employed as a maid in private apartments. It's very interesting job even though my profession is totally and extremely different. I am an accountant who left a job in a big city and moved to this little village where it supposed to be very interesting in the summer season. I was told that by my friends back in Germany who came here when they were kids.
And how have I ended up working in Bovec?
I broke up with my boyfriend and I was totally down. We were together for 4 years and he was cheating on me most of the time. I didn't know what to do with myself crying most of the days and nights. All of the sudden my friends decided that I have to change my life and start a new one. Without a boyfriend, without drama and with something I've never done before. My girlfriend was just hooking up with a guy from the Czech Republic who was a professional kayaker and was totally impressed by the conditions and nature in Bovec.
I was crazy I admit it because after the meeting I was checking
 all the web pages about Bovec and Slovenia. In the middle of the night, I found an offer for the job as a maid and I applied at the moment. I didn't have to wait for long when I got an email in which they offered me an interview. I was nervous but very excited. It happened that I was offered a job and had to pack in less than a week. Woow, what an adventure! My friends were super surprised they were left without words. I was not thinking when I booked the train to Jesenice and then a bus to Bovec. I had too many bags (aprox. 5-7) for a flight from Hamburg to the capital of Slovenia. So, in the end, the whole travelling took me almost 2 days!
The ride from Jesenice to Bovec was long, too long and full of curves. I had to vomit and it was my most horrible ride of my life. I do not suggest that ride. Take an aeroplane. Or hire a private car. Do not take the bus. Never. Ever. 

When I arrived in Bovec it was raining. I could not find my house. I was lost and alone in the middle of the main square which is big ass my room back in Hamburg. I was going crazy. Again. But all of the sudden a young guy came to me and helped with my orientation in this little village. The guy was handsome and so nice I had to invite him for a drink. I found out he is a rafting and canyoning instructor. But I didn't know he is the most wanted one in Bovec! Imagine me sitting with my mascara all over my face sitting with the most handsome guy I met after long, long time. Yep, it was terrible. But he was still too interested...weird situation. But I will write the next blog about that guy.
So back to my story...The guy walked me to my apartments and introduced me to my employers. They were very nice with good German and very polite. I was given a tiny humid room where I cry every single night. When I am not drunk. Or when I am not sleeping somewhere else. Oops ;)

See you!



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