How everything has started

Hi strangers, I am the new girl in here. In this beautiful place called Bovec. Just touched the ground and everything seems so different. The smell of the air, the sound of the birds and green, green nature around me. I think it will be a great adventure to spend some time over here :)

So,  let me first introduce myself to you. Who am I?
I am city girl currently living in Bovec, a stunning tiny glamorous place in a very small but beautiful country Slovenia.  I've come here to experience a different summer with different types of people who like adrenaline and nature. A lot of wild nature. Like sleeping in a tent, hiking dangerous mountains, climbing steep walls, kayaking the most powerful Slovenian river Soča and so on ... The problem is I am a very different person. I am not adrenaline lover, "tent type" of a person and someone who would love to sleep under the stars. Nope, that's not me.
I am a normal, boring city girl who decided to become a Savage.  To become a person I will be proud of one day. Someone who dares, who can and who is not afraid of new adventures. Someone who I am not.

So here I am. Living in the apartment in the middle of the village with an old couple above me waking up every morning at 6 AM, going to the toilet every 15 minutes, hearing all the voices (including the ones you do not want to hear) and trying to enjoy as much as possible. But I just found out it is impossible.
I was crying last night in my bed. The apartment it's so smelly, everything is so dirty and I am all alone and sad stuck in between these giant mountains... I am very typical city girl who is used to hear cars, police, traffic and people on the street, not only some old couple and chickens in the morning.

I hope I will become stronger. Right now I am fighting with myself to stay strong and survive first few days. Wish me luck!

xxx SCG


  1. Hey!

    I have a clean house where there is one peaceful hungarian guy (30). One room left for two girls. Find me on fb. Matej Hosner


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